Offers clear, easy, step-by-step instruction, building on what has beenpreviously learned. Used by many Thai temples in America. Recommended books to be studied along with Thai for Beginners are Thai for Travelers (a practical Thai phrase book) and Speak like a Thai series by the same author.

To save you searching through almost 1000 posts, the aim of this page is to put free downloads all in one place. If you know of any not on this list please contact me.

This article was originally posted on

Free downloads: Hosted on WLT…

Thai Language Cheat Sheets
A collection of cheat sheets for download (more added as they come through).

Thai Time:
Thai Time: Relearn Thai Tense the Thai Way (Part 1)
Thai Time: Relearn Thai Tense the Thai Way (Part 2)
Thai Time: Thai Sentence Expansion Drills

HouseTalk: Kinship Terms for Thai Housekeepers and more
HouseTalk: Learn Mostly Useful Thai Laundry Phrases
HouseTalk: Learn Thai Washer and Dryer Phrases
HouseTalk: Learn Mostly Useful Thai Laundry Phrases
HouseTalk: Learn Thai Washer and Dryer Phrases
HouseTalk: A Handy Shortlist of Instructions for Your Thai Maid

65 Useful Thai Phrases You Won’t Find in a Travel Phrasebook:
65 Useful Thai Phrases You Won’t Find in a Travel Phrasebook: Part One
65 Useful Thai Phrases You Won’t Find in a Travel Phrasebook: Part Two
65 Useful Thai Phrases You Won’t Find in a Travel Phrasebook: Part Three
65 Useful Thai Phrases You Won’t Find in a Travel Phrasebook: Part Four
65 Useful Thai Phrases You Won’t Find in a Travel Phrasebook: Part Five

Thai Language connectors:
Thai Language Connectors: Starter Pack
Thai Language Connectors: Opening Connectors
Thai Language Connectors: Filler Connectors

Thai Style:
Thai Style: Feeling Like a Thai: Be Happy
Thai Style: Feeling Like a Thai: Don’t be Sad

Ten Essentials of Thai Conversation:
Thai Greetings and Ending Particles
Please and Thank You and Excuse Me: Part 1
Please and Thank You and Excuse Me: Part 2
Please and Thank You and Excuse Me: Part 3
Thai Personal Pronouns
Essential Verbs: Present, Past, Future

Thai Language Thai Culture:
Thai Language Thai Culture: Thai Tone Twisters
Thai Language Thai Culture: Asking for Directions in Thailand
Thai Language Thai Culture: Speaking Thai in Tenses
Thai Language Thai Culture: Helpful Thai Medical Vocabulary for Men
Thai Language Thai Culture: Learning Thai Medical Terms: Breaking Down and Building Up
Thai Language Thai Culture: Thai Buddhist Vocabulary by the Numbers


WLT’s 2017 Thai Language Lovers Giveaway:
WLT’s 2017 Thai Language Lovers Giveaway: PickUp Thai
WLT’s 2017 Thai Language Lovers Giveaway: Learn Thai with พร
WLT’s 2017 Thai Language Lovers Giveaway: Benjawan and Paiboon Publishing
WLT’s 2017 Thai Language Giveaway: Arthit and Duke Language School
WLT’s 2017 Thai Language Giveaway: L-Lingo

A Top 100 Thai Word List:
Compiling a Top 100 Thai Vocabulary List
A Top 100 Thai Word List Created from Phrases
UPDATED: Top 100 Thai Vocabulary List

FREE DOWNLOADS: Updated Quick & Dirty Thai Vocabulary and Phrases
The file includes the Quick & Dirty Thai Vocabulary spreadsheet, Quick & Dirty Thai Phrases spreadsheet, and three audio downloads.

Thai Sex Talk for Valentine’s Day: Learning Thai Affirmations
A sexy learning Thai affirmation download from Kaewmala.

Thai Chili Pepper Scale: A Spicy Secret to Ordering Thai Food
Two audio downloads to use on your Smartphone: Thai Pepper Scale and Thai Chili conversations.

Thai Frequency Lists with English Definitions
Thai frequency download files in the range of 1000 to 5000 words each.

Free Download: The Ultimate Survival Guide to Thailand
Includes basic information with common Thai phrases.

The Red Shirts: Thai Reading and Listening
An article from Voice of America that has been translated and transliterated, audio included.

Download 12 FREE Manee Books
There are several sites to download the Manee books – I’ve created one on Dropbox.

FREE Downloads: Gla and Geo (there is life after Manee)
Gla and Geo are coursebooks for Thai children (think Manee but more modern).

FREE Thai Fonts: Comparisons & Downloads
X arcade config file for mame. A Pdf that compares a range of free Thai fonts (links to free font downloads are in the pdf).

FREE Audio Files for Reading and Writing Thai by Somsonge Burusphat
Audio files to go with Somsonge Burusphat’s book in reading and writing Thai.

TPR: Total Physical Response 500+ Thai Word List Translated
PDF download of the over 500 Thai/English word list.

Thai Cat Cartoons Compilation: Episodes One to Twenty
There are two downloads on this file: Conversations and Vocabulary.

Thai Slang You Might Need to Know: Free Audio and Spreadsheet Downloads Included
Benjawan Poomsan Becker’s shortlist of Thai slang in three downloads: Audio, Pdf, and zip file.

Thai Slang Put into Phrases: Free Audio and PDF Downloads Included
There are two downloads in this file: Pdf and Audio.

FREE Audio and Vocabulary Downloads: Thai for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced
These audio and spreadsheet downloads can be used with Anki and FlashcardsDeluxe.

Free downloads: Hosted elsewhere…

Free Download: Advanced Thai Reading and Vocabulary Building
Contains 50 short reading lessons with vocabulary.

FREE Resource: Thai Reader Project
There are two readers with 76 lessons. Volume I is for beginners up to high readers, Volume II is for intermediate to advanced readers.

Free Online Thai Readers
Collection of online readers.

Chris Pirazzi Updates
Flashcards and more to download.

Karn TV: A FREE Education Resource for all Kids
Amongst the online games and lessons, there are 140 mgs worth of free Thai reading and writing materials to download.

Over 300 Free Thai Lessons: Learn Thai Language Online
Tip: Skip over the political announcement and go straight to the lessons: Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Video.

FREE Online Resources at Everyday Thai Language School
Online lessons and pdf downloads. Audio Clips for Intermediate Learners and Introducing Thai and Khmer Picture Supported Learning
120+ audio clips of about five minutes each plus free Illustrations for Language Learning to downlad.

Learn2SpeakThai: Learn Thai with Manee
Mia’s free online lessons – includes free pdfs to download.

Self Study Thai: In-depth Study of VOA News Articles
There’s over 50 VOA articles in Thai and English, audio included.

Olly’s Thai For Beginners: How to Learn to Speak Thai from Scratch
Pdf and audio files.

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