
The IPCP 505 has eight ports that can be configured as IR ports or serial ports. The IR Configuration tab opens if you select an IR port in the IP Link® Tree window. This tab is used to assign a driver to an IR port, and choose the device functions for the selected port. Buttons for the selected functions are displayed and usable in the GlobalViewer® interface.

If you change the port to be a serial port , the Serial Configuration tab opens, allowing you to associate a serial driver.

Configuring the Port as an IR Port

  1. In the IP Link Tree window, select an IR/Serial port. The IR Configuration tab opens.

  2. In the IR Driver Select section, select IR from the Port Type drop-down list.

  3. From the Device Type drop-down list, select the IR device to associate with the port.

  4. From the Manufacturer drop-down list, select a manufacturer.

  5. Select the Show All Versions check box to show all versions of the drivers. This is optional. If the Show All Versions check box is deselected, only the latest version appears in the Available Drivers section.

  6. In the Available Drivers section, select an available device driver.

  7. Click the Add Driver button. The selected device driver is displayed in the Added Driver(s) section.

  8. In the Added Driver(s) section, select the desired device driver. The functions of the selected IR driver are displayed in the IR Driver Function(s) section.

  9. In the IR Driver Function(s) section, select the desired device functions.

  10. Click the Right Arrow button to move the selected functions to the GlobalViewer Web Group(s)
    section. These are the functions that are displayed and usable in the GlobalViewer host interface.

  11. Right-click the folder, select Rename from the drop-down list, and give the folder a unique name. This is optional.

  12. Build and upload the configuration to view the changes in GlobalViewer (see the Build All Configurations and Build Changed Configurations sections).

See the IR Configuration Tab section for more information about the IR Configuration tab in Global Configurator.

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Configuring the Port as a Serial Port

  1. In the IP Link Tree window, select an IR/Serial port. The IR Configuration tab opens.

  2. Gmc 270 engine serial numbers. In the IR Driver Selection section, select Serialfrom the Port Type drop-down list. The Confirm Port Type Change dialog box opens.

  3. In the dialog box, click OK. The Serial Configuration tab opens.

  4. From the Device Type drop-down list, select the serial device to associate with the port.

  5. From the Manufacturer drop-down list, select a manufacturer.

  6. Select the Show All Versions check box to show all versions of the drivers. This is optional. If the Show All Versions check box is deselected, only the latest version appears in the Available Drivers section.

  7. In the Available Drivers section, select an available device driver.

  8. Click the Add Driver button. The selected device driver is displayed in the Added Driver(s) section.

  9. In the Added Driver(s) section, select the desired device driver. The GlobalViewer Driver Command and State Configuration section is populated with the names of control buttons that will be displayed for this device in the GlobalViewer Interface.

  10. Configure the driver functions (see the GlobalViewer control buttons subsection of 'Serial Configuration Tab').

  11. Add information in the GlobalViewer Info section (see the GlobalViewer Info section subsection of 'Serial Configuration Tab').

  12. Build and upload the configuration to view the changes in GlobalViewer (see the Build All Configurations and Build Changed Configurations sections).

See the Serial Configuration Tab section for more information about the various sections of the Serial Configuration tab.

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