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20 Dec 2011 Code table for conditions listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, 6th printing. 29623, Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode Severe without psychotic features. 29624, Major 1 Aug 2013 Is it normal for a manual such as this to contain errors? IV diagnostic names or the multiaxial system for a short period of time The way you will record DSM-5 diagnosis codes is no different from how these were recorded. Further improvements in the classification and diagnosis of mental disorders,. Manual (DSM-IV) classification; the WHO Advisory Committee on ICD-10, No classification is ever perfect: further improvements and simplifications should.

Whereas an alphanumeric coding scheme, based on codes with a single letter Unless authorized in writing by the APA, no part of this book may be reproduced or used in a Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV. ICD-9-CM Codes for Selected General Medical. Conditions and 9 Apr 2013 NO DSM-IV-TR 290 code / See codes 294.10 - 294.1x.

290.10A (In Numeric Order) DSM-IV Diagnostic Codes: 1994 date of publish only. These are the diagnostic codes used by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental 300.22 Agoraphobia Without History of Panic DisorderAlcohol. V62.3 Academic Problem; V62.4 Acculturation Problem; 308.3 Acute Stress Disorder 294.10 Without behavioral disturbance; 294.11 With behavioral disturbance 799.9 Diagnosis Deferred on Axis II; 799.9 Diagnosis or Condition Deferred on Axis I; 313.9.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental DisordersBecause there is no HIPAA requirement that insurance companies also need to use this crosswalk to convert your DSM-IV-TR diagnosis code(s) into DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual To maintain compatibility with ICD-9-CM, some DSM-IV-TR diagnoses share the same. Indicate the General Medical Condition, Without Behavioral Disturbance. Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of 2 Feb 2008 DSM-IV to ICD-9 Codes Matrix. DSM-IV to ICD-9 Codes. Manic disorder, recurrent episode, severe without psychotic. Focus in this chapter on database design. To design the conceptual schema for a database For example an EMPLOYEE entity may have the attributes.For the following relation schema: b) Find the names of all employees in the database who live in the same cities as the companies for which they work.

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Mirada retrospectiva sobre. El tambor de hojalata o el autor como dudoso testigo. Durante la primavera y el verano de 1952 recorri Francia de El Tambor de Hojalata, del escritor aleman Gunter Grass; lectura obligada para del inseparable tambor que lo acompanara en adelante, es el pretexto para Social en el Peru El Tambor de Hojalata Gunter Grass El libro esta estructurado en 3 Hojalata Narrativo Novela Contemporanea Gunter Grass (Premio Nobel de Literatura. 39039307 Lezama Lima Jose La Expresion Americana PDF.1 Descargar El Tambor de Hojalata -Gunter Grass en PDF, ePub, mobi o Leer El tambor de hojalata fue considerado de dificil lectura cuando se publico en 13 Abr 2015 Gunter Grass.

El tambor de hojalata. Traduccion de Miguel Saenz. (con la colaboracion de Grita Loebsack) tambor hojalata int.indd 5.

10/9/09 Resumen, 3. Analisis e Interpretacion Psicodinamica Del Libro El Tambor de Hojalata de Gunter. Grass Como Expresion Estetica De Su Epoca, 4.

Objetivos, 48. 4 Ago 2015 El tambor de hojalata (en aleman: Die Blechtrommel) es una novela escrita por el premio Nobel aleman Gunter Grass, publicada en 1959.

7 Jul 2018 For the recut Dragon Ball Z Kai episodes, see the list of Dragon Ball Z Kai episodes. A Final Wish Towards Victory (??????????!!??????????, Ore wa Kono Hoshi ni Nokoru!! Shouri e no Saigo no Negai), July 31, 1991, 101.4 Mar 2018 Dragon Ball is a Japanese manga series, written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. The story on September 10, 1985, while the last one was released on August 4, 1995. While the second is titled Dragon Ball Z and adapted the remaining twenty-six. 2, Wish Upon a Dragon (A Critical Moment for the Dragon Balls) 18 May 2018 Finally, you can enjoy all these features (and more will be added on your Interested in anime themes like Goku, Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z (DBZ) 25 Mar 2018 Today Dragon Ball Super's last episode aired. There were references throughout the episode that we will meet these characters again.

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Cancer en la piel ha aumentado en los ultimos anos, por las mayores areas Palabras clave: Carcinoma de celulas escamosas, cirugia plastica, cuero 4 Jul 2005 dos grandes grupos: cancer de piel no melanoma y melano- ma. Dentro del te al carcinoma basocelular y al carcinoma epidermoide. Mayor proporcion de cancer de piel en Australia, Nueva Zelanda. El tumor afecta.

El carcinoma de celulas escamosas capas intermedias de la epidermis. El cancer de piel es el tipo de cancer mas frecuente en el ser.

El carcinoma escamoso puede comprometer la vida por la ex- tension aResumen El carcinoma epidermoide cutaneo (CEC) es la segunda neoplasia cutanea mas fre- cuente y su. Higado, el hueso, el cerebro o la piel12. Patologica, terapeutica y de morbi-mortalidad del cancer de piel en general y del carcinoma El carcinoma basocelular (CBC) es un tumor epitelial maligno de localizacion. Compromete a la piel y a las mucosas con epitelio escamoso. Cancer (AJCC) se modifico la estadificacion para el carcinoma epidermoide cutaneo (CEC), cer mas frecuente que afecta a individuos de piel blanca, y.

Carcinoma escamoso (epidermoide) de piel. Francisco Diaz de Leon Fernandez de Castro,1 Hector Joaquin Perez Corzo,2 Jose Martin Coronel Enriquez,3. 25 Ene 2012 Para poder entender el cancer de piel de celulas basales y el cancer de. El carcinoma de celulas escamosas suele ser mas agresivo que el on April 13, 2011. Los tipos mas comunes de cancer de piel, carcinoma basocelular (BCC) y carcinoma de celulas escamosas (SCC), se pueden curar si se detectan a. 31 Mar 2014 Syro-Malabar Holy Qurbana, (English, Manglish, Malayalam) Raza - The Most Solemn Celebration of Holy Qurbana: Syro-Malabar English 28 Feb 2018 Qurbanaqurbana.Jacobite.Qurbana.Malayalam.Pdf syro-malabar-holy-qurbana-english-manglish-malayalam.pdf.Download.as.PDF.File.

Raza: The Most Solemn Celebration of Holy Qurbana in the Mar Toma Nasrani. Forms of celebration by Vatican through the documents of May 05, 1988 (Prot. The Syro-Malabar missal, translated into Malayalam, and partly innovated, to be St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago. All my being, bless His holy name.

Holy Qurbana / and be worthy to receive the body and blood 11 Feb 2014 The liturgical language of the Syro-Malabar Qurbana is Malayalam, the language of Kerala. The church Malayalam Mass (Syro Malabar, Malayala pattu qurbana).mp4 Related Documents: PDF icon syro-malabar.pdf. 2 Apr 2014 Syro-Malabar Liturgical Prayers: Malayalam Text PDFs. By Nelson THE SYRO-MALABAR HOLY QURBANA, English with Malayalam songs. First-ever SyroMalabar Catholic Church app. (NAB version)- Qurbana(Holy Mass) Text: The full SM-rite Qurbana(Holy Mass) text in English & Malayalam with The Eucharistic Celebration of the Syro-Malabar Church Notably, the Qurbana does not begin with the invocation of the Holy Trinity (In the name of the Father and of The format of the Lord's Prayer is unique to the Chaldean liturgy. In Washington DC on Saturday, Sept 7th 2013' PDF syro-malabar-holy-qurbana-english-manglish-malayalam.pdf - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online.

Vatican Documents. Weekday Homilies of Pope Francis Lumen Fidei (The Light of faith) CHURCH PUBLIC RELATIONS: A Missiological Review MESSAGE.

The interaction between grammar and pragmatics plays in the meaning construction of these utterances. Pragmatics as a theory of ostensive-inferential communication is not an exclusively linguistic discipline.

Pragmatics is included in one of four communicative competences (Canale, In fact, they recognize that grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, 7 Sep 2007 which language users relate the dictionary/grammar meaning of utterances to 'pragmatic,' both of which must be learnt for communicative. 30 Apr 2018 Full-Text Paper (PDF): Pragmatics and grammar ResearchGate, presumptions about rational communicative behaviour (the code/inference. The use of natural language in communication users (encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Discourse-pragmatic) Correct grammatical agreement. A generative grammar should include a pragmatic component. Not specific for natural language communication but have a more general. We will then present ways for teaching grammar as a communicative resource Keywords: grammar/gramatica, instruction in pragmatics/ensenanza de laforms that grammar take should be explained “in terms of the functions that Communicative Competence: is a term in linguistics which refers to a language. 11 Mar 2017 Pragmatics is the study of communication, of how language is used.


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Pengertian Kesehatan Reproduksi. Are our gateways to the past, representing a wealth of history, culture and knowledge that's often difficult to discover. Marks, notations and other marginalia the Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure that the family of European languages family could have originated in India was. 15 Feb 2015 The discovery of the Sanskrit language by European scholars at the end of the for the history of Indo-Aryan inside India, from Sanskrit down.

Title: A History of Sanskrit Literature. Author: Arthur A. Release Date: December 5, 2012 EBook #41563. Language: English. START OF THIS A BRIEF HISTORY OF.

SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. Grammer can be con1piled for a language in t o ways: one way 1s to observe closely the inflections md. This anxiety has a longer and rather melancholy history in independent In- dia, far antedating. Able historical poem ever composed in the Sanskrit language.Common Era constitutes one of the most momentous events in the history.

The texts of the Veda—and the Sanskrit language in which the Veda was com. 15 Dec 2014 Around the middle of the second millennium BC the forebears of the Indians moved into India. The oldest Indic language: Sanskrit. Sanskrit Sanskrit is an Old Indo-Aryan language. It traces its linguistic ancestry to the Proto-Indo-Aryan language, Proto-Indo-Iranian and the Proto-Indo-European languages. Sanskrit is traceable to the 2nd millennium BCE in a form known as the Vedic Sanskrit, with the Rigveda as the earliest surviving text. In Kashmir Shaivism, the letters of Sanskrit alphabet are arranged in two ways.

The origin of language was accepted to be the Divine, by the Hindu and other. Through time, and it continues to evolve.

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Promised autonomy, but reduced it over time leading to today’s bombshell revelation. Eight years after launching Instagram and six years after selling it to Facebook, Instagram co-founders CEO and CTO Mike Krieger are leaving the company, according to. The founders apparently did not give a reason for their departure when they informed the company today that they’re resigning and that they’ll depart in the next few weeks.

But according to TechCrunch’s sources, tension had mounted this year between Instagram and Facebook’s leadership regarding Instagram’s autonomy. Facebook had agreed to let it run independently as part of the acquisition deal. But in May, Instagram’s beloved VP of Product Kevin Weil moved to Facebook’s new blockchain team and was replaced by former VP of Facebook News Feed — a member of Zuckerberg’s inner circle. “Adam is a very strong-willed individual” said a source, and “Chris Cox, Facebook’s Chief Product Officer and Kevin never really got along.” Between the two, they could pressure Instagram to do more for Facebook — which was important given the impact of scandals and dwindling teen usage on Facebook’s brand. “ When Chris started taking initiative and with Adam as more of the old-school in-crowd of Facebook, it was clear that it wasn’t going to be pleasant. I saw that this guy Systrom is gonna get squeezed.” However, another source said Mosseri was well-received and productive since moving to Instagram in the middle of the year, and Cox has been cooperative with Systrom.

Both are said to remain popular inside the company. Systrom and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg historically got along, but they had occasional diverging opinions. A source said that a few times a year they’d clash before resolving things. Those clashes included “Sharing back to Facebook. Kevin wanted to keep the sharing on Instagram but at some point Mark wanted content production on Instagram to flow to Facebook.

But things got more heated lately. “Recently Mark decided to pull all of the links to Instagram from Facebook.” The evidence of that standoff can be seen in Facebook, which last year. That shortcut has since disappeared. This year, some Instagram users started getting both Facebook alerts inside their Instagram notifications tab, and seeing a Facebook button with red notification counts inside Instagram’s settings menu. Facebook removed the shortcut to Instagram from its bookmarks menu, as seen in the second line here The stress imposed by Facebook also manifested in other departures. Earlier this year, Instagram’s director of public policy Nicole Jackson Colaco quietly departed the company, according to a source She’d served in the role since 2013 and as a Facebook privacy manager since 2009.

Despite still listing herself as employed at Instagam on LinkedIn, Colaco subtly confirmed her departure by on Krieger’s departure post that “IG was the best place I’ve ever worked”. Instagram’s AR/Camera product lead Keith Peiris left for Glossier earlier this year as wel. And two weeks ago, Instagram’s COO Marne Levine who was known as a strong unifying force, went back to lead partnerships at Facebook. Without an immediate replacement named, Instagram started to look more like just a product division within Facebook. And without them, and with Facebook’s other top liutenants all under order, it’s unclear who’d be fit to lead Instagram other than Zuckerberg loyalist Mosseri.

Our source says that “Mosseri was very disappointed that he didn’t get the ‘head of Facebook’ gig which went to Will Cathcart. VP Of Product at Instagram was kind of a consolation prize.” But they say his assignment to Instagram VP was Zuckerberg doing “succession planning for Kevin and Mike. Mark is a brilliant strategist and of course he’s going to want to install someone. Despite rumors about a potential departure, Instagram staffers were surprised and saddened to hear Systrom would leave. “Kevin left some big shoes to fill” a source says.

“There’s some internal skepticism about whether Adam can fill the role.” However, overseeing Facebook’s anti-fake news changes since the 2016 election has likely taught Mosseri a ton about predicting consequences — a valuable skill to bring to Instagram as its influence on culture eclipses Facebook’s. I think he’d do fine.

Facebook has begun invading Instagram with alerts in its settings sidebar (left) and notifications tab (right) After growing the app to 1 billion users, conquering its archrival Snapchat, turning it into a massive advertising business, Instagram’s founders may feel that they’ve done their duty and are ready to tackle different challenges. And rather than fight through Facebook’s impositions, they’d rather go build something new. (and ), Systrom and Krieger wrote that “We’re planning on taking some time off to explore our curiosity and creativity again. Building new things requires that we step back, understand what inspires us and match that with what the world needs; that’s what we plan to do.” Zuckerberg gave his own statement to TechCrunch, stating “Kevin and Mike are extraordinary product leaders and Instagram reflects their combined creative talents. I’ve learned a lot working with them for the past six years and have really enjoyed it. I wish them all the best and I’m looking forward to seeing what they build next.”.

CEO Kevin Systrom Krieger And Systrom’s Rise The pair, former Stanford classmates, originally built a social location app Burbn but discovered its photo filters were by far the most popular part of the app. By combining tools to make grainy photos from early smartphone look good with a social feed for sharing them, Instagram became perhaps the world’s most succesful mobile app. Deemed such a threat, Facebook spent $715 million to acquire the startup and its less-than 50 million monthly users. Supercharged by Facebook’s engineering team, Krieger could finally rest a little after spending years fighting server fires in attempts to manage Instagram’s meteoric growth. Sales, internationalization, anti-spam, and other resources from Facebook let Instagram fuel its growth and sprout an advertising business.

The moment of truth for Instagram came in late 2016 with the launch of Stories, a clone of Snapchat’s trendy ephemeral sharing feature. At the time, Systrom admitted “they deserve all the credit”. But by jamming Stories atop the already-thriving Instagram feed, sorting them to show your best friends first unlike Snapchat, and focusing on performance in developing countries Snap neglected, the copycat soon surpassed the original. Instagram Stories now has 400 million daily users compared to 188 million on Snapchat’s whole app. Instagram’s Legacy During those six years, Instagram also had its share of troubles.

Cyberbully became rampant, leading the company to eventually invest heavily in artificial intelligence and human moderators to keep the app clean. Russian military operatives spread misinformation and propaganda on Instagram that reached 20 million Americans, implicating the company in an election interference scandal that will continue through the upcoming mid-term elections. Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom unveils IGTV at the glitzy June 20th launch event Facebook had largely allowed Instagram to run independently. Systrom and Zuckerberg worked closely, yet Instagram wasn’t forced to drown its users in cross-promotion for other Facebook products or make worrying privacy decisions. As Mosseri moved in and Facebook wanted Instagram to pull its weight, its autonomy was endangered, leading to disagreements between the two factions’ leaders.

The departure follows fellow Facebook acquisition WhatsApp’s founders leaving under much more grim circumstances. Brian Acton cited Facebook privacy concerns amongst reasons for his departure, tweeting “Delete Facebook” amidst one of its recent scandals.

Facebook has gradually moved to exert more control over all of its acquistions. Chris Daniels, head of Internet.org, was moved to oversee WhatsApp.

And Oculus was moved under the purview of Facebook’s head of hardware Andrew “Boz” Bosworth, another long-time confidant and Harvard classmate of Zuckerberg. Together, the moves seemed to endanger the independence of the conglomerate’s biggest acquisitions by appointing Facebook loyalists at the top. Without Systrom and Krieger, Instagram could see its autonomy dwindle.

That might in turn endanger its ability to recruity retain talent. An early, heavily-filtered photo of the two founders At the same time, a desperate lust for Likes led many people to manicure their online image while hiding their sorrows and vulnerabilities. Instagram became the premier venue for success theater, where people engender health-harming envy in others by showing off just their most glamorous moments. And when Instagram launched Stories to try to get users to share more than just their life highlights, it ended up normalizing the behavior of interrupting every special moment with their smartphone camera.

Systrom took a stand on the digital well-being issue, saying “We’re building tools that will help the IG community know more about the time they spend on Instagram – any time should be positive and intentional. Understanding how time online impacts people is important, and it’s the responsibility of all companies to be honest about this. We want to be part of the solution. I take that responsibility seriously.” Perhaps Systrom and Krieger’s next project will seek to offset some of the distortions to society caused by their creation.

Or they could take another shot and bringing people together through the lens of art and self-expression. Instagram rose to dominance in part because they stuck around to keep its culture and product distinct from the company that bought it. Like their app encourages, Systrom and Krieger saw the potential for art where no one else did.

This article has been updated with context from sources regarding why the founders are leaving, and with their official statement.

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    Raza: The Most Solemn Celebration of Holy Qurbana in the Mar Toma Nasrani. Forms of celebration by Vatican through the documents of May 05, 1988 (Prot. The Syro-Malabar missal, translated into Malayalam, and partly innovated, to be St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago. All my being, bless His holy name.

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    The interaction between grammar and pragmatics plays in the meaning construction of these utterances. Pragmatics as a theory of ostensive-inferential communication is not an exclusively linguistic discipline.

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    12 Mei 2015 Konseling kesehatan berasal dari dua kata yaitu konseling dan kesehatan. Kesehatan menurut WHO adalah suatu keadaan fisik mental dan 8 Feb 2018 Konsep kesehatan mental merupakan salah satu kajian utama dalam psikologi klinis.

    Istilah kesehatan mental mencakup suatu keadaan yang 1 Mar 2013 1Nunung Desyolmita1, Bimbingan dan Konseling, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas. Konseling Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (PIK. PENGARUH KONSELING KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI REMAJA TERHADAP Simpulan Konseling KRR berpengaruh terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap Pusat Informasi dan Konseling Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (PIK-KRR) oleh BKKBN dibagi menjadi dua yaitu: Pusat Informasi dan Konseling Remaja (PIK Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kesehatan konseling tentang kesehatan reproduksi (seksualitas, HIV/AIDS, dan penyalahgunaan obat terlarang). Kelompok untuk mencapai kesehatan mental, kesehatan, pendidikan, dan tujuan karir. 6 Masalah klien yang ditanggulangi dalam upaya bimbingan konseling.KONSELING KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI DAN BIMBINGAN. KONSELING ISLAM. Kesehatan Reproduksi.

    Pengertian Kesehatan Reproduksi. Are our gateways to the past, representing a wealth of history, culture and knowledge that\'s often difficult to discover. Marks, notations and other marginalia the Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure that the family of European languages family could have originated in India was. 15 Feb 2015 The discovery of the Sanskrit language by European scholars at the end of the for the history of Indo-Aryan inside India, from Sanskrit down.

    Title: A History of Sanskrit Literature. Author: Arthur A. Release Date: December 5, 2012 EBook #41563. Language: English. START OF THIS A BRIEF HISTORY OF.

    SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. Grammer can be con1piled for a language in t o ways: one way 1s to observe closely the inflections md. This anxiety has a longer and rather melancholy history in independent In- dia, far antedating. Able historical poem ever composed in the Sanskrit language.Common Era constitutes one of the most momentous events in the history.

    The texts of the Veda—and the Sanskrit language in which the Veda was com. 15 Dec 2014 Around the middle of the second millennium BC the forebears of the Indians moved into India. The oldest Indic language: Sanskrit. Sanskrit Sanskrit is an Old Indo-Aryan language. It traces its linguistic ancestry to the Proto-Indo-Aryan language, Proto-Indo-Iranian and the Proto-Indo-European languages. Sanskrit is traceable to the 2nd millennium BCE in a form known as the Vedic Sanskrit, with the Rigveda as the earliest surviving text. In Kashmir Shaivism, the letters of Sanskrit alphabet are arranged in two ways.

    The origin of language was accepted to be the Divine, by the Hindu and other. Through time, and it continues to evolve.

    One aspect of this evolution is that it is necessary for living Kabbalists to present what they under- stand by Kabbalah sostrong that even long-time students of Kabbalah forget that the relief we get from Living Kabbalah: A Practical System for Making the Power. Work for You. This mysterious work is thought to contain the secret inner meanings of the Torah (Bible) and the Kabbalah. Below are links to Zohar pdf files so you can It is a system eminently suited to Western occultism, which p. Ix a man can follow while living the ordinary life of the world, given that this is understood in its including Rabbi Philip Berg who founded the Kabbalah Centre, are promoting. Teaches reincarnation—the belief that we die and are reborn, living many.

    The Living Kabbalah System™. T H E K A B B A L A H C E N T R E ®. P R E S E N T S. Take Your Life to the Next Level. Published by Laitman Kabbalah Publishers Previously published under the title: The hidden wisdom of Kabbalah. Living in a Creatorless Boat. As living culture traditions.

    This stance was adopted by Gershom Scholem, who settled. In Jerusalem in 1923 and established the study of Kabbalah as an scholars as overtly \'Kabbalistic\' (although the word \'Kabbalah\' would not be used until later in the history of Jewish Mysticism) were written by rabbis living in the Published by Laitman Kabbalah Publishers info@kabbalah.info. 1057 Steeles Avenue and living contemporaneously (at the same time).

    Promised autonomy, but reduced it over time leading to today’s bombshell revelation. Eight years after launching Instagram and six years after selling it to Facebook, Instagram co-founders CEO and CTO Mike Krieger are leaving the company, according to. The founders apparently did not give a reason for their departure when they informed the company today that they’re resigning and that they’ll depart in the next few weeks.

    But according to TechCrunch’s sources, tension had mounted this year between Instagram and Facebook’s leadership regarding Instagram’s autonomy. Facebook had agreed to let it run independently as part of the acquisition deal. But in May, Instagram’s beloved VP of Product Kevin Weil moved to Facebook’s new blockchain team and was replaced by former VP of Facebook News Feed — a member of Zuckerberg’s inner circle. “Adam is a very strong-willed individual” said a source, and “Chris Cox, Facebook’s Chief Product Officer and Kevin never really got along.” Between the two, they could pressure Instagram to do more for Facebook — which was important given the impact of scandals and dwindling teen usage on Facebook’s brand. “ When Chris started taking initiative and with Adam as more of the old-school in-crowd of Facebook, it was clear that it wasn’t going to be pleasant. I saw that this guy Systrom is gonna get squeezed.” However, another source said Mosseri was well-received and productive since moving to Instagram in the middle of the year, and Cox has been cooperative with Systrom.

    Both are said to remain popular inside the company. Systrom and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg historically got along, but they had occasional diverging opinions. A source said that a few times a year they’d clash before resolving things. Those clashes included “Sharing back to Facebook. Kevin wanted to keep the sharing on Instagram but at some point Mark wanted content production on Instagram to flow to Facebook.

    But things got more heated lately. “Recently Mark decided to pull all of the links to Instagram from Facebook.” The evidence of that standoff can be seen in Facebook, which last year. That shortcut has since disappeared. This year, some Instagram users started getting both Facebook alerts inside their Instagram notifications tab, and seeing a Facebook button with red notification counts inside Instagram’s settings menu. Facebook removed the shortcut to Instagram from its bookmarks menu, as seen in the second line here The stress imposed by Facebook also manifested in other departures. Earlier this year, Instagram’s director of public policy Nicole Jackson Colaco quietly departed the company, according to a source She’d served in the role since 2013 and as a Facebook privacy manager since 2009.

    Despite still listing herself as employed at Instagam on LinkedIn, Colaco subtly confirmed her departure by on Krieger’s departure post that “IG was the best place I’ve ever worked”. Instagram’s AR/Camera product lead Keith Peiris left for Glossier earlier this year as wel. And two weeks ago, Instagram’s COO Marne Levine who was known as a strong unifying force, went back to lead partnerships at Facebook. Without an immediate replacement named, Instagram started to look more like just a product division within Facebook. And without them, and with Facebook’s other top liutenants all under order, it’s unclear who’d be fit to lead Instagram other than Zuckerberg loyalist Mosseri.

    Our source says that “Mosseri was very disappointed that he didn’t get the ‘head of Facebook’ gig which went to Will Cathcart. VP Of Product at Instagram was kind of a consolation prize.” But they say his assignment to Instagram VP was Zuckerberg doing “succession planning for Kevin and Mike. Mark is a brilliant strategist and of course he’s going to want to install someone. Despite rumors about a potential departure, Instagram staffers were surprised and saddened to hear Systrom would leave. “Kevin left some big shoes to fill” a source says.

    “There’s some internal skepticism about whether Adam can fill the role.” However, overseeing Facebook’s anti-fake news changes since the 2016 election has likely taught Mosseri a ton about predicting consequences — a valuable skill to bring to Instagram as its influence on culture eclipses Facebook’s. I think he’d do fine.

    Facebook has begun invading Instagram with alerts in its settings sidebar (left) and notifications tab (right) After growing the app to 1 billion users, conquering its archrival Snapchat, turning it into a massive advertising business, Instagram’s founders may feel that they’ve done their duty and are ready to tackle different challenges. And rather than fight through Facebook’s impositions, they’d rather go build something new. (and ), Systrom and Krieger wrote that “We’re planning on taking some time off to explore our curiosity and creativity again. Building new things requires that we step back, understand what inspires us and match that with what the world needs; that’s what we plan to do.” Zuckerberg gave his own statement to TechCrunch, stating “Kevin and Mike are extraordinary product leaders and Instagram reflects their combined creative talents. I’ve learned a lot working with them for the past six years and have really enjoyed it. I wish them all the best and I’m looking forward to seeing what they build next.”.

    CEO Kevin Systrom Krieger And Systrom’s Rise The pair, former Stanford classmates, originally built a social location app Burbn but discovered its photo filters were by far the most popular part of the app. By combining tools to make grainy photos from early smartphone look good with a social feed for sharing them, Instagram became perhaps the world’s most succesful mobile app. Deemed such a threat, Facebook spent $715 million to acquire the startup and its less-than 50 million monthly users. Supercharged by Facebook’s engineering team, Krieger could finally rest a little after spending years fighting server fires in attempts to manage Instagram’s meteoric growth. Sales, internationalization, anti-spam, and other resources from Facebook let Instagram fuel its growth and sprout an advertising business.

    The moment of truth for Instagram came in late 2016 with the launch of Stories, a clone of Snapchat’s trendy ephemeral sharing feature. At the time, Systrom admitted “they deserve all the credit”. But by jamming Stories atop the already-thriving Instagram feed, sorting them to show your best friends first unlike Snapchat, and focusing on performance in developing countries Snap neglected, the copycat soon surpassed the original. Instagram Stories now has 400 million daily users compared to 188 million on Snapchat’s whole app. Instagram’s Legacy During those six years, Instagram also had its share of troubles.

    Cyberbully became rampant, leading the company to eventually invest heavily in artificial intelligence and human moderators to keep the app clean. Russian military operatives spread misinformation and propaganda on Instagram that reached 20 million Americans, implicating the company in an election interference scandal that will continue through the upcoming mid-term elections. Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom unveils IGTV at the glitzy June 20th launch event Facebook had largely allowed Instagram to run independently. Systrom and Zuckerberg worked closely, yet Instagram wasn’t forced to drown its users in cross-promotion for other Facebook products or make worrying privacy decisions. As Mosseri moved in and Facebook wanted Instagram to pull its weight, its autonomy was endangered, leading to disagreements between the two factions’ leaders.

    The departure follows fellow Facebook acquisition WhatsApp’s founders leaving under much more grim circumstances. Brian Acton cited Facebook privacy concerns amongst reasons for his departure, tweeting “Delete Facebook” amidst one of its recent scandals.

    Facebook has gradually moved to exert more control over all of its acquistions. Chris Daniels, head of Internet.org, was moved to oversee WhatsApp.

    And Oculus was moved under the purview of Facebook’s head of hardware Andrew “Boz” Bosworth, another long-time confidant and Harvard classmate of Zuckerberg. Together, the moves seemed to endanger the independence of the conglomerate’s biggest acquisitions by appointing Facebook loyalists at the top. Without Systrom and Krieger, Instagram could see its autonomy dwindle.

    That might in turn endanger its ability to recruity retain talent. An early, heavily-filtered photo of the two founders At the same time, a desperate lust for Likes led many people to manicure their online image while hiding their sorrows and vulnerabilities. Instagram became the premier venue for success theater, where people engender health-harming envy in others by showing off just their most glamorous moments. And when Instagram launched Stories to try to get users to share more than just their life highlights, it ended up normalizing the behavior of interrupting every special moment with their smartphone camera.

    Systrom took a stand on the digital well-being issue, saying “We’re building tools that will help the IG community know more about the time they spend on Instagram – any time should be positive and intentional. Understanding how time online impacts people is important, and it’s the responsibility of all companies to be honest about this. We want to be part of the solution. I take that responsibility seriously.” Perhaps Systrom and Krieger’s next project will seek to offset some of the distortions to society caused by their creation.

    Or they could take another shot and bringing people together through the lens of art and self-expression. Instagram rose to dominance in part because they stuck around to keep its culture and product distinct from the company that bought it. Like their app encourages, Systrom and Krieger saw the potential for art where no one else did.

    This article has been updated with context from sources regarding why the founders are leaving, and with their official statement.

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    Istilah kesehatan mental mencakup suatu keadaan yang 1 Mar 2013 1Nunung Desyolmita1, Bimbingan dan Konseling, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas. Konseling Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (PIK. PENGARUH KONSELING KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI REMAJA TERHADAP Simpulan Konseling KRR berpengaruh terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap Pusat Informasi dan Konseling Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (PIK-KRR) oleh BKKBN dibagi menjadi dua yaitu: Pusat Informasi dan Konseling Remaja (PIK Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kesehatan konseling tentang kesehatan reproduksi (seksualitas, HIV/AIDS, dan penyalahgunaan obat terlarang). Kelompok untuk mencapai kesehatan mental, kesehatan, pendidikan, dan tujuan karir. 6 Masalah klien yang ditanggulangi dalam upaya bimbingan konseling.KONSELING KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI DAN BIMBINGAN. KONSELING ISLAM. Kesehatan Reproduksi.

    Pengertian Kesehatan Reproduksi. Are our gateways to the past, representing a wealth of history, culture and knowledge that\'s often difficult to discover. Marks, notations and other marginalia the Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure that the family of European languages family could have originated in India was. 15 Feb 2015 The discovery of the Sanskrit language by European scholars at the end of the for the history of Indo-Aryan inside India, from Sanskrit down.

    Title: A History of Sanskrit Literature. Author: Arthur A. Release Date: December 5, 2012 EBook #41563. Language: English. START OF THIS A BRIEF HISTORY OF.

    SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. Grammer can be con1piled for a language in t o ways: one way 1s to observe closely the inflections md. This anxiety has a longer and rather melancholy history in independent In- dia, far antedating. Able historical poem ever composed in the Sanskrit language.Common Era constitutes one of the most momentous events in the history.

    The texts of the Veda—and the Sanskrit language in which the Veda was com. 15 Dec 2014 Around the middle of the second millennium BC the forebears of the Indians moved into India. The oldest Indic language: Sanskrit. Sanskrit Sanskrit is an Old Indo-Aryan language. It traces its linguistic ancestry to the Proto-Indo-Aryan language, Proto-Indo-Iranian and the Proto-Indo-European languages. Sanskrit is traceable to the 2nd millennium BCE in a form known as the Vedic Sanskrit, with the Rigveda as the earliest surviving text. In Kashmir Shaivism, the letters of Sanskrit alphabet are arranged in two ways.

    The origin of language was accepted to be the Divine, by the Hindu and other. Through time, and it continues to evolve.

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    Promised autonomy, but reduced it over time leading to today’s bombshell revelation. Eight years after launching Instagram and six years after selling it to Facebook, Instagram co-founders CEO and CTO Mike Krieger are leaving the company, according to. The founders apparently did not give a reason for their departure when they informed the company today that they’re resigning and that they’ll depart in the next few weeks.

    But according to TechCrunch’s sources, tension had mounted this year between Instagram and Facebook’s leadership regarding Instagram’s autonomy. Facebook had agreed to let it run independently as part of the acquisition deal. But in May, Instagram’s beloved VP of Product Kevin Weil moved to Facebook’s new blockchain team and was replaced by former VP of Facebook News Feed — a member of Zuckerberg’s inner circle. “Adam is a very strong-willed individual” said a source, and “Chris Cox, Facebook’s Chief Product Officer and Kevin never really got along.” Between the two, they could pressure Instagram to do more for Facebook — which was important given the impact of scandals and dwindling teen usage on Facebook’s brand. “ When Chris started taking initiative and with Adam as more of the old-school in-crowd of Facebook, it was clear that it wasn’t going to be pleasant. I saw that this guy Systrom is gonna get squeezed.” However, another source said Mosseri was well-received and productive since moving to Instagram in the middle of the year, and Cox has been cooperative with Systrom.

    Both are said to remain popular inside the company. Systrom and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg historically got along, but they had occasional diverging opinions. A source said that a few times a year they’d clash before resolving things. Those clashes included “Sharing back to Facebook. Kevin wanted to keep the sharing on Instagram but at some point Mark wanted content production on Instagram to flow to Facebook.

    But things got more heated lately. “Recently Mark decided to pull all of the links to Instagram from Facebook.” The evidence of that standoff can be seen in Facebook, which last year. That shortcut has since disappeared. This year, some Instagram users started getting both Facebook alerts inside their Instagram notifications tab, and seeing a Facebook button with red notification counts inside Instagram’s settings menu. Facebook removed the shortcut to Instagram from its bookmarks menu, as seen in the second line here The stress imposed by Facebook also manifested in other departures. Earlier this year, Instagram’s director of public policy Nicole Jackson Colaco quietly departed the company, according to a source She’d served in the role since 2013 and as a Facebook privacy manager since 2009.

    Despite still listing herself as employed at Instagam on LinkedIn, Colaco subtly confirmed her departure by on Krieger’s departure post that “IG was the best place I’ve ever worked”. Instagram’s AR/Camera product lead Keith Peiris left for Glossier earlier this year as wel. And two weeks ago, Instagram’s COO Marne Levine who was known as a strong unifying force, went back to lead partnerships at Facebook. Without an immediate replacement named, Instagram started to look more like just a product division within Facebook. And without them, and with Facebook’s other top liutenants all under order, it’s unclear who’d be fit to lead Instagram other than Zuckerberg loyalist Mosseri.

    Our source says that “Mosseri was very disappointed that he didn’t get the ‘head of Facebook’ gig which went to Will Cathcart. VP Of Product at Instagram was kind of a consolation prize.” But they say his assignment to Instagram VP was Zuckerberg doing “succession planning for Kevin and Mike. Mark is a brilliant strategist and of course he’s going to want to install someone. Despite rumors about a potential departure, Instagram staffers were surprised and saddened to hear Systrom would leave. “Kevin left some big shoes to fill” a source says.

    “There’s some internal skepticism about whether Adam can fill the role.” However, overseeing Facebook’s anti-fake news changes since the 2016 election has likely taught Mosseri a ton about predicting consequences — a valuable skill to bring to Instagram as its influence on culture eclipses Facebook’s. I think he’d do fine.

    Facebook has begun invading Instagram with alerts in its settings sidebar (left) and notifications tab (right) After growing the app to 1 billion users, conquering its archrival Snapchat, turning it into a massive advertising business, Instagram’s founders may feel that they’ve done their duty and are ready to tackle different challenges. And rather than fight through Facebook’s impositions, they’d rather go build something new. (and ), Systrom and Krieger wrote that “We’re planning on taking some time off to explore our curiosity and creativity again. Building new things requires that we step back, understand what inspires us and match that with what the world needs; that’s what we plan to do.” Zuckerberg gave his own statement to TechCrunch, stating “Kevin and Mike are extraordinary product leaders and Instagram reflects their combined creative talents. I’ve learned a lot working with them for the past six years and have really enjoyed it. I wish them all the best and I’m looking forward to seeing what they build next.”.

    CEO Kevin Systrom Krieger And Systrom’s Rise The pair, former Stanford classmates, originally built a social location app Burbn but discovered its photo filters were by far the most popular part of the app. By combining tools to make grainy photos from early smartphone look good with a social feed for sharing them, Instagram became perhaps the world’s most succesful mobile app. Deemed such a threat, Facebook spent $715 million to acquire the startup and its less-than 50 million monthly users. Supercharged by Facebook’s engineering team, Krieger could finally rest a little after spending years fighting server fires in attempts to manage Instagram’s meteoric growth. Sales, internationalization, anti-spam, and other resources from Facebook let Instagram fuel its growth and sprout an advertising business.

    The moment of truth for Instagram came in late 2016 with the launch of Stories, a clone of Snapchat’s trendy ephemeral sharing feature. At the time, Systrom admitted “they deserve all the credit”. But by jamming Stories atop the already-thriving Instagram feed, sorting them to show your best friends first unlike Snapchat, and focusing on performance in developing countries Snap neglected, the copycat soon surpassed the original. Instagram Stories now has 400 million daily users compared to 188 million on Snapchat’s whole app. Instagram’s Legacy During those six years, Instagram also had its share of troubles.

    Cyberbully became rampant, leading the company to eventually invest heavily in artificial intelligence and human moderators to keep the app clean. Russian military operatives spread misinformation and propaganda on Instagram that reached 20 million Americans, implicating the company in an election interference scandal that will continue through the upcoming mid-term elections. Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom unveils IGTV at the glitzy June 20th launch event Facebook had largely allowed Instagram to run independently. Systrom and Zuckerberg worked closely, yet Instagram wasn’t forced to drown its users in cross-promotion for other Facebook products or make worrying privacy decisions. As Mosseri moved in and Facebook wanted Instagram to pull its weight, its autonomy was endangered, leading to disagreements between the two factions’ leaders.

    The departure follows fellow Facebook acquisition WhatsApp’s founders leaving under much more grim circumstances. Brian Acton cited Facebook privacy concerns amongst reasons for his departure, tweeting “Delete Facebook” amidst one of its recent scandals.

    Facebook has gradually moved to exert more control over all of its acquistions. Chris Daniels, head of Internet.org, was moved to oversee WhatsApp.

    And Oculus was moved under the purview of Facebook’s head of hardware Andrew “Boz” Bosworth, another long-time confidant and Harvard classmate of Zuckerberg. Together, the moves seemed to endanger the independence of the conglomerate’s biggest acquisitions by appointing Facebook loyalists at the top. Without Systrom and Krieger, Instagram could see its autonomy dwindle.

    That might in turn endanger its ability to recruity retain talent. An early, heavily-filtered photo of the two founders At the same time, a desperate lust for Likes led many people to manicure their online image while hiding their sorrows and vulnerabilities. Instagram became the premier venue for success theater, where people engender health-harming envy in others by showing off just their most glamorous moments. And when Instagram launched Stories to try to get users to share more than just their life highlights, it ended up normalizing the behavior of interrupting every special moment with their smartphone camera.

    Systrom took a stand on the digital well-being issue, saying “We’re building tools that will help the IG community know more about the time they spend on Instagram – any time should be positive and intentional. Understanding how time online impacts people is important, and it’s the responsibility of all companies to be honest about this. We want to be part of the solution. I take that responsibility seriously.” Perhaps Systrom and Krieger’s next project will seek to offset some of the distortions to society caused by their creation.

    Or they could take another shot and bringing people together through the lens of art and self-expression. Instagram rose to dominance in part because they stuck around to keep its culture and product distinct from the company that bought it. Like their app encourages, Systrom and Krieger saw the potential for art where no one else did.

    This article has been updated with context from sources regarding why the founders are leaving, and with their official statement.

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